Friday, April 10, 2009

Devotional for Holy Saturday

Prayer for Holy Saturday
Lord, who sits with us in darkness and weeps with us, be present now and make your presence know. Our souls ache for Christ. We fear the darkness and the loneliness. We don't know what to do. There are so many times, in the midst of bright sunshine, that we have darkened our souls toward you, not heeding your word, but acting in ways that hurt and alienate others. Jesus came that we might understand the ways you want us to live. We have heard his words, seen the miracles, rejoiced at the healing; but we have chosen to believe those things are story and not truth. How foolish we are, Lord! Soften our hearts. Shine the light of your love into our lives once more. Forgive and heal us, we pray. AMEN.

Scripture Readings for Holy Saturday
Job 14:1-14; Psalm 130; I Peter 4:1-8; Matthew 27:57-66.

He Is Not Here
The darkness of Saturday resides in our souls. Outside the sun may be shining, people may be going about their business; but we cannot forget what happened last night, how he cried from the Cross, his last words "It is finished" and "Father, into your hands I commend my Spirit."

No amount of noise, color, busyness can erase the darkness.

He is not here. He is not sitting with us, walking with us, comforting with us. We are alone. And we wait. For what we are not sure.....for some sign of hope, some sign of life, some miracle that will mend our brokenness and bind up out wounded spirits.

He is not here. And we are frightened. We could count on him being present. What are we to do in this world without Jesus. Our souls are utterly bereft. Lord, God, where are you? Where is the hope? Come to us. Come, now......please.

He is not here. And we wait.

(from Cokesbury's Worship Connection)

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