Friday, May 1, 2009

Meditation for May Day

(Francine Gravel - oil on linen)

A Prayer for May Day
Creator of the earth and the universe, it is through our liveliness we give you glory and praise.

We remember today all those who fought to give us the weekend, who sought to allow us time with our families; Who provided the working man a 40 hour week.

Those who gave the elderly social security; Who challenged the greedy to respect the work of honest labor.

We remember the farmers and the farmworkers today, the industrious, and those who use their hands.

On Law Day we are thankful for lawyers, judges and those in the legal profession, for they defend our rights; They challenge each other to give our lives order; they are the workers, who protect our right to speech; Our right to assemble, Our property. Without law, there would be chaos.

May we enjoy this spring day, this May Day, feeling the air upon our faces, the light upon our bodies, and know that out of whatever cruelty is found in this world, the beauty of the infinite breaks in. Amen.

(written by The Rev. Gawain F. de Leeuw,
St. Bartholemew's Epispcopal Church,
White Plains, NY)

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