The snow of yesterday is already a distant memory, and First UMC made the most of the beautiful fall weather!
Pastor Charles and Belinda took a prayer shawl to Geraldine Talich, which was presented to her from her church family. The shawl had been crafted by Bea Dinkel and was chosen by Marilee Rowan. It was a surprise and was appreciated very much by Geraldine as it bears her favorite color, green.
A wonderful outpouring of love has been taking place in the Welcome Center! The "Shoes for Navajos" effort has already yielded two large containers of shoes, boots and other footwear. The items will be sent to the Shiprock, NM area, where an appreciative people await. As of November 12th, sixty-one pairs of shoes have been brought to the church.
The chancel choir and the Gloribells met for a combined rehearsal tonight, and the sounds glowing from the sanctuary were just beautiful!
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