The faithful ventured out in the surprising chill of a June morning to worship on Trinity Sunday. We were thankful for faithful witnesses such as Nan Mull, who shared her musical gift, Don Sabin and Loren Hoekema who were our ushers, Doug & Cody Armbruster who helped out in the nursery, William Draper who offered to be our acolyte and Judy Rosenbaum who was the lector.
Pastor Charles asked members of the congregation to read a section of the Athanasian Creed, shared this morning in recognition of Trinity Sunday. Arlene Christensen, Valeta Rosenbaum, Don Sabin, Judy Rosenbaum, Marilee Rowan, Kerri Sheldon, Edie Baumbach, Tom Millman, Carol Mason, and Pastor Charles rose to the task, sharing the faith in "God in three persons, blessed Trinity!"
It was wonderful to finally meet Sandy Long's sister Sheila who joined us in today's worship service!
All in all, the fellowship was sweet, and the gathering for the final study session of "The Shack" drew a receptive gathering.
Praise be to God!!!
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