Cody ArmbrusterThe reason I want to join the church is because I want to further my faith in God. I want to be with the church and help all that I can. I always will make time to go to church. I really hope that when and if I get confirmed I will show myself to be a good member. I love to help with communion and ushering and I will help the education department all I can. Each day God has given to me is a day that I can use to grow in faith and in service to others.
Dane AurichI want to be confirmed so I can further my faith in God. I also want to be more involved in the church. I plan to be on one of the many committees that the church has to offer. I am not sure what all the committees are and for, but I want to be confirmed so I do know and can help.
In Numbers 28:2 it says the Lord commanded Moses to instruct the Israelites to present to God at the appointed times the required food offerings that are pleasing to Him. Likewise, I would like to offer my time to help God and the church.
I want to further spread the word of God. That is why I would like to be confirmed.
Emily JessenI am going to be honest, before confirmation I didn’t know much about the church, the history and everything else, actually I didn’t give it much thought, but after I started confirmation I started to realize how important it is, for instance I didn’t know that for certain holidays the songs were specially picked out, it also has made me realize how much I need both, God and the church in my life.
This is a very hard question, “why should I be confirmed to the church?” ‘Why should I? ‘I feel I should be confirmed to the church because I am willing to learn, as well as contribute myself to this church-my church... I also think I should be confirmed because I want and am willing, to put God first in my life.
Another question that I ask myself, “what makes me different from all the other confirmation students?” well, that one is actually pretty easy, because God made all of us different, yet the same, so we all have something different to bring to this church. What do I bring to this church? I bring a willing heart and mind to this church and hopefully an idea that will help out this church.
I honestly and truly do want to be confirmed to the church, but I don’t know exactly know how to put it into words; I just know that it is important for me, to do this. I would feel honored to become a member of this church, and I hope that I can.
Confirmation has made me realize, that I need both God and the church in my life.
Chase FrerichsWell, the first reason why I would like to join the church is because my whole family is members of the church. And my family would love to have me be a member too.
I have gone to Sunday school for a long time. My mom, my uncle and I were all baptized in this church and it would be an honor if I were confirmed just like them in the church I was baptized in.
I would like to help make decisions about the church and help it. My family has talked about getting me confirmed since I was a little kid so I think that it is time to take the next step and join the church.
I really like the people here at First UMC, they are nice and know what they are doing, and they will help you with whatever you need. I really like Rev. Alkula and Belinda, they have really made this whole confirmation class and church very fun and they are both very nice.
I want the gifts and the Holy Spirit I get when I get confirmed.
Kelsey Marie ArringtonAlthough many of your faces are familiar, I don’t know you very well. And many of you don’t know me … but God knows me. Because each of us holds a special place in His heart, we all belong to the same family – the family of God. And because He loves us, God wants us to come together to worship Him and support each other. That is why I am here this evening.
As Paul writes in Ephesians 2, the 20th and 22nd verses, “You are like a building with the apostles and prophets as the foundation and with Christ as the most important stone … And you are part of that building Christ has built as a place for God’s own Spirit to live.”
Well, I want to be part of this building. I have sat beside you in the pews of our chapel and sanctuary, worshipped with you during church services, and shared bread with you in fellowship and Holy Communion. Now I feel that I am ready to join you as a member.
I accept Christ as my Savior; I know that God will forgive my sins if I ask; and I am confident that I will see Him after my life here is over. All these things I accept through faith … and now I ask you to have faith in me.
I don’t know a lot of Bible verses. But I did find one that I think fits this occasion. In a letter to Timothy (II Timothy 1:13), Paul wrote: “Now follow the example of the correct teaching I gave you, and let the faith and love of Christ Jesus be your model. You have been trusted with a wonderful treasure. Guard it with the help of the Holy Spirit, who lives within you.” I am far from perfect, but you have my word that I will do my best to follow Paul’s advice.
I am proud to be a member of this confirmation class and I hope to make you proud that I am a member of this church. Thank you.
Jay LintonWhen you ask me what I believe in, it could mean a lot. It could be anything. But for me, it’s God. I believe in the Alpha and Omega. I don’t believe that Christianity is a religion like any other, because I don’t like to call it a religion. Islam is a religion. Buddhism is a religion. Christianity is a way of life. I believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I don’t say it’s just another religion, because what I believe in is the Truth. The other religions are just there because someone had an idea and spread it around. But God was already there, and He was there. He’s real.
It’s hard to explain this. God created the world and that’s the truth. Sin came, and we all sin, and that’s the truth. And despite our sins, God still loves us, because His love is everlasting. I know this by reading from the Gospel of John. John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
That has so much meaning to me. Even though we are all sinners, He still loves us and He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to save us from our sins. He loves us so much that He was willing to suffer and die for us.
Jesus is the way. And we, Christians, are His followers. He is the light of the world. He shows us the way. We cannot forget His importance. And it is the Church that keeps this belief in God alive. And I know that it is not important to Jesus what denomination of the Church we are a part of. What matters is whether or not we have Jesus in our loved. Only through Jesus can we get to the Father. He is the Way. So that’s why I want to join the Church, because I cannot ignore it or deny it.
I know this from the Gospel of Matthew, 10:32-33: “If anyone acknowledges me publicly here on earth, I will openly acknowledge that person before my Father in heave. But if anyone denies me here on earth, I will deny that person before my Father in heaven.”
So of course I want to join the church. Why wouldn’t I? I have nothing to lose and so much to gain. Notice in the first three paragraphs that I capitalize three special words: Truth in the first, Life in the second, and the Way in the third. And here is why. John 14:6-7: “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one can come to the Father except through me. If you had known who I am, then you would have known who my Father is. From now on you know Him and have seen Him.”