Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Meditation for July 22nd

What Worship Does - Max Lucado

“You who fear the LORD, praise Him!” Psalm 22:23 NKJV

Worship humbles the smug and lifts the deflated.

Worship adjusts us, lowering the chin of the haughty, straightening the back of the burdened.

Worship properly positions the worshiper. And oh how we need it! We walk through life so bent out of shape. Five-talent folks swaggering: “I bet God’s glad to have me.” Two-talent folks struggling: “I bet God’s sick of putting up with me.” So sold on ourselves that we think someone died and made us ruler. Or so down on ourselves that we think everyone died and just left us.

Treat both conditions with worship.

1 of 365 devotionals in Grace for the Moment, Volume II
Originally printed in Cure for the Common Life


How do you worship? How do you praise God? Is it just on Sundays? Is it just at your church?

Psalm 100:1 Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth.

Worship is something between you and God. You don't have to worship him in a building, or just on Sunday mornings. Worship seems like such an old term... PRAISE is more like it.

Praise God for the day he has awoken you to.

Praise God for your family and friends that surround you.

Praise God for the music to dance to, the joys to laugh, the tears to cry.

Praise God for life, and death.

Praise God for hope, and fear.


So many people worship in different ways. I feel that I worship and praise God the most when I'm in my car singing to myself, or dancing around with my iPod. Some people meditate. Some people take quite walks. Others join friends at a coffee shop to talk about life.

If you worship or praise just one way, try something different. Break out of your shell and the box you have always been in. If you read quitely in the morning to give your thanks to God and have your God time. Invite a friend for Coffee/Tea/Cold Soda and just talk about life.

We need to refresh our faith, and praise and worship God for each day he gives us to live. Each day he gives us family and friends to be with. Each day for our life.

But, we must also praise him in our storms. When we worship with others, we make a connection that will not falter in our storms. They will be our stronghold with God to help us through the rough waves, that feel like we are going to capsize. We need those friends to be able to help bail out the water of our boat so we make it through, though we may be holding on for dear life. And we need to praise God in our storms, because when the storm finally retreats, and the storm is finally over....the Praise will be so much bigger. We may not understand the hard times or rough sails we stumble upon, but God will never falter.

So may a joyful noise, any noise to God! He didn't make us all perfect singers, but we find ways to worship. Explore new ways to voice your joy, praise, worship, adoration and love to God each day, outside the walls of the church, with friends and family, anyway you can!

~Courtney S-B~

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