Wednesday, February 6, 2008

January Ad Board Minutes (abridged)

Nurture Ministries (Julie Armbruster, chair):

Worship Committee
1. Imposition of Ashes will be held on Ash Wednesday (Feb 6th) from 11:30 to 12:30 with services for that day starting at 6:30p.m.
2. Last Wednesday of the month from 5:30 – 6:30 there will be a brown bag supper and communion.

Christian Formation
1. We are working on something special for the children at Easter, possibly an egg hunt.
2. Janet Rosenbaum will be doing Safe Sanctuary training. Everyone who works with youth are required to take this training course.
5. A sleep-over with kids will be held at the Church Apr. 4-5. The Youth would help in conjunction with their 30-hr famine.

Finance/Stewardship Committee
1. Mission Share was paid in full for 2007.
2. The church adudit will be completed by the end of January. Tom Millman will head up the committee.

Parish Worker/Member Care
1. The Care/Share delivery count varies from 32 to 40 people.
2. The kitchen renovation project is paid in full. Dedication of the new kitchen has been done.
3. Rummage Sale has been set for April 24, 25, 26 & 28.

Age-Level & Family Ministries(Brenda Jessen, Chair)
1. Lois Thayer and Brenda Jessen will begin work on the FUMC 130th anniversary celebration in 2009. This may be incorporated with the fall kick-off in September of 2009.

1. The Valentine dinner has been scheduled for Feb. 10th.
2. Feb. 15 and 16 are the dates for the Revolve Tour in Denver which the Youth girls will be attending.
3. The 30-hour famine will be the weekend of April 4 - 5.
4. The Youth are planning their mission trip to St Louis , MO in July 2008.

Pastor reported that he will be working with Mitch Muhs to re-form the United Methodist Men.

1. The UMW will soon be starting on UMCOR kits.

Outreach Ministries (Kerri Sheldon, chair):
1. The loose change offering for Jan. and Mar. will go to the Gudahl family. In February the loose change will go to Epworth Village.
2. Report on Adam Davenport as the recipient of our Timothy fund was confirmed with Pastor Alan Davis.
3. A list of college students is needed so that the Church can stay in touch.

Witness Ministries (Edie Baumbach, chair):
1. An article concerning our Hospitality Award was in their newsletter and we are listed on their web-site.
2. Also it was suggested that we put our web-site address on the sign outside.

Administrative Ministries:
Trustee Committee
1. A work day has been scheduled for March 15 to do the ceilings downstairs hallway and east side (spray on coating).
2. They will be getting more people trained on the heating and air conditioning system.
3. Maintenance Issues: All treads on all stairway steps are being checked for replacement. Will check with John concerning the front door to the Parsonage. Bill Walter has volunteered to continue doing the grounds. Mark Bickford will be contacted concerning cost of cleaning the acoustic panels in the Sanctuary.

Staff/Pastor Parish Relations committee
1. The new custodian Jody Elkins has begun work.

1. There are 487 members listed on the computer. This figure is members only and does not include the count of constituents or baptized list.

Lay Leader
1. There is a Lay Speakers School coming up. Dan stressed the important of having qualified Lay Speakers in our Church.

Pastor’s report
1. Ash Wednesday and Lent are a spiritual disciplines. Everyone should be participating in a Lenten study. Each of us should be involved in faith formation.
3. Pastor encouraged more utilization of the Prayer Room.
4. Our wedding coordinator is Christine Gudahl.
5. Our Church needs to be more pro-active in our calendar by planning further ahead on the happenings and activities of our Church. This is needed in order to get the information in the local newspaper, in the Chamber packets to newcomers, and on the Chamber web site.
6. The Discipleship Plan that was approved at the 2007 FUMC Conference shows specific and measurable goals to be reached. All committees have been reorganized because we are following the plan of the NE. Conference. We need to be United Methodists all the way.

There is a lot of positive energy in our Church. Two questions we need to ask ourselves (1) Are you growing in your faith, and (2) Are you sharing the Good News?

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