Sidney First United Methodist Church Administrative Council
February 13, 2008 (unofficial)
Opening Prayer Pastor Charles
Review of Minutes Dan Rowan
*Girl Scouts will be in worship at 8am on Mar. 9th.
*Maundy Thursday – Mar. 21st, 6pm.
*Sunrise service on Mar. 23rd will be at 6am. Other Easter services at 8/10am.
*One worship service on Mar. 30th (Confirmation Sunday).
Christian Formation
*Ten girls will be attending the Revolve Tour event in Denver, Feb. 15-16th.
*The spring education materials for children’s program have been ordered and plans are being made for those graduating in May.
*Seven youth will be confirmed on Mar. 30th.
Finance/Stewardship - Ron Jessen
*6% of the budget has been received and it should be at 8%.
*Tom Millman, Sue Trollier & Shirley Swanstrom were commended for the work on the church audit.
*Bishop Sheerer has accepted our invitation to 130th Church Anniversary (Sept. 2009). This is tentative based on her being re-appointed to Nebraska in July 2008.
UMYF - Whitney Armbruster No report.
UMM - Mitch Muhs
*The men will serve the Lenten brunch on Feb. 17th, help is needed. *Re-organizational meeting on Feb. 24th at 9 am in the chapel
UMW - Bea Dinkel
*The UMW will soon be starting on UMCOR kits. Lists are on the bulletin board, at the Welcome Center, on the church web site and church blog. Last year the church members made 98 kits.
*World Day of Prayer @ 1st Christian Church on Mar. 7th at 1:30 pm.
*Jan. loose change offering amounted to $151.47. Possible use of Feb. loose change offering for victims of the Kimball house fire. *One Great Hour of Sharing will be Mar. 2nd – Jordon Sukup will give a report about the offering on Feb. 24th *First Lenten brunch served 75.
*Girl Scout will be sleeping over on Mar. 8th and attending worship on Mar. 9th.
*The committee is soliciting names for Lay Speaking course. A course will be conducted at FUMC.
*Don & Edie Baumbach and Rilla Draper will speak to the confirmation class on Feb. 17*Valentine’s dinner served 134. The funds were split between the UMYF and the Gloribells.
Trustee Committee - Don Gustafson
*Bea & Bill painted the south entrance and the storage room behind the chapel.
*Carpet replacement for the south entrance is being considered.
*Bids are being sought to replace the stairwell covering.
*A work day has been scheduled for Mar. 15th.
*The Gloribells requested permission to take the bells to a workshop in Fort Collins, CO. Request approved.
Staff/Pastor Parish Relations Committee (S/PPRC)- Donna Bahr - No report.
Membership - Marilyn Wiles
*Leaders needed to speak to new members on Mar. 2nd - At least five new members will be joining on Mar. 16th (Palm Sunday).
Lay Leader - Dan Rowan - No report.
Pastor - Pastor Charles
*Wednesday Supper Club – First one will be on Feb. 27th @ 5:30 pm.
*Hospice Memorial Service at St. Patrick’s RC Church, Feb. 24th at 2pm *Good Fri. @ Evangelical Free Church, noon
*Pastor to attend Walk to Emmaus, Feb. 14-17.
*Pastor & Belinda have bought a digital picture frame to display church events. More pictures are on web site.
2008 Ad Board Members:
Age Level & Family Ministries - Brenda Jessen
Membership - Marilyn Wiles
Ad Board - Cynthia Phillips
Nurture Ministries - Julie Armbruster
Benevolence Treasurer - Tom Millman
Outreach Ministries - Kerri Sheldon
Church Treasurer - Bruce Hauge
S/PPRC- Donna Bahr
Finance - Ron Jessen
Trustees - Don Gustafson
Financial Secretary - Judy Rosenbaum
UMM - Mitch Muhs
UMW – Bea Dinkel
Lay Leader - Dan Rowan
UMYF – Whitney Armbruster Lay Member - Rilla Draper
Witness Ministries - Edie Baumbach