At both services, we had a grandfather and his grandson provide a beautiful medley of music that the grandfather had arranged especially for that morning's worship experience!
The day was a very special day for Edie and Don Baumbach, who were celebrating their 45th wedding anniversary! Family and friends all worshipped together and celebrated this special milestone for this beloved couple. After the 8:00 a.m. worship service, family members provided a beautiful cake for all to enjoy. There were some lovely pictures displayed of the couple in years past. They had a card shower for the couple; the basket of cards overflowed.
The "Wesley Four" male quartet provided lovely music at the 10:00 a.m. worship service. Their musical offerings are always so very inspiring!
During the 10:00 a.m. worship service, more prayer shawls and baby quilts were blessed and dedicated for use in the church's prayer shawl ministry. A prayer shawl was given to Nate Cox, who is back home on leave from his duty station in San Diego, California. The church family was all a-buzz because Nate was back home amongst us once more!
What an amazing church family we have here at Sidney FUMC. Praise God!!!
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