Wednesday, August 29, 2007

True or False (#1)

Let's see how well you know your United Methodist Heritage.

True or false

1. John Wesley was born in Epworth, one of 19 children of Samuel and Susanna Wesley.

2. The official collection of hymns for United Methodists is called "The Book of Hymns."

3. Clergy in the United Methodist Church are required to move every five years.

4. The General Conference of the United Methodist Church meets once every four years.

5. The name of the resident Bishop of the Nebraska Annual Conference is Rev. Dr. Ann Sherer.


1. True! John Wesley, known as Jackie to his family, was born in 1703 at the Old Rectory (his father was rector of the Epworth Parish) in the English town of Epworth, North Lincolshire.

2. False - The United Methodist Hymnal (1989) is the hymnal used by United Methodists around the world.

3. False - United Methodist clergy are appointed annually and are moved as directed by the bishop and can serve any number of years at any one location.

4. True - Every four years, known as a quadrenium, United Methodists gather for the General Conference. The next such gathering will be in Fort Worth, TX in 2008.

5. True - Our bishop is the Rev. Dr. Ann Brookshire Sherer. She was appointed to serve in the Nebraska Annual Conference, after serving as bishop of the Missouri Annual Conference.

SO... how did you do with this quiz? Want to learn more? In September, we will be having a taster course at the church called "United Methodist 101." If you want to learn more, come and join us!

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