Sunday, November 18, 2007

A Weekend of Thanksgiving!

There was a lot of activity at our church yesterday. Courtney Beach and friends relaxed in the northeast fellowship room downstairs, and they scrap-booked and had a "spa day," complete with facials and lotions and such.

In the afternoon, we celebrated the 80th birthdays of two of our dear church family members: Lucille McCaslin and Erla Thompson. It was such a delight to see so many family and friends gathered together to rejoice at these ladies' legacy of love. The fellowship hall was alive with the energy that is always present when there is a grouping of generations, i.e., the wonderful sound of children playing and adults laughing and recounting stories.

Today we had a wonderful morning of worship and fellowship. Pastor Charles and the children in the "Children's Time" had a great discussion about Thanksgiving and what it really means. Afterwards some of the Youth Group gathered in our beautifully remodeled kitchen to make "Gift in a Jar" cookie mixes for them to sell at the upcoming Christmas Bazaar.

What a wonderful weekend of thanksgiving to God for the many blessings he has bestowed on us! Thank you, Heavenly Father, for loving us SO much!

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